Friday 27 March 2009

My playlist

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Friday 20 March 2009

Friday 6 February 2009

shirt mods

hey guys i really cba to do the catalog cheats today, cus theres just too much pictures and things for my pc to handle but i do have a mod picture i made of shirts.

the bottom row is the changed ones. bye for now!

Thursday 5 February 2009

catalog sneak peek

hey guys, theres an update on the new catalog coming out on friday :P cant wait :D
Club penguin have called this theme 'back to the basics' which means plain old stuff as mimo says: "kinda lam-o" well i kinda agree this time.

I will post the cheats tomorrow ASAP.

Monday 2 February 2009


Hmm i wonder... :P

Heyy guys

Heyy guys sorry i havent posted in a while lol , theres been alot going on since i have: two parties, new pins and sports catlog etc. But dont worry i'll post when the 'lime green dojo clean' book comes out. its postponed until further notices. ok guys cya

also this is my new look i will be using :P

Monday 5 January 2009

New cpcc header

hey guys have you noticed that out header is looking old! thats why im gonna make a new crazy one soon! ill keep you updated on that soon but i wanted to tell you that in england today it has snowed!!! it rox coz its real deep! ive been playing all day in it! I have also added a cool snow feature to cpcc!

Sunday 4 January 2009


some of you may have spotted somthing in my last post! and then some of you looked out for a sign! and that sign was a secret party! anyway heres some pics of the party that we just had:

we rocked the town!

cpcc hopes to have more! so keep your eyes peeled!

Saturday 3 January 2009


ok plz dont dis this cow! its my fave pic! that is my catch phrase! DONT DIS THE COW! HEHE LOL kidding

!hhs os terces si egassem siht, woc eht tsop lliw i looc gnihtmos ...gnihtmos gninnalp mi reve nehw.

ps read that message backwards to find somthing out...

i finally got a cp toy

hey guys as you may know I live in the UK so we had to wait until Christmas for the toys! And I have finally got one! its called the Reporter and Shadow Guy Mix and match figures! here's a pic!

Also check out mine and bart1879's new blog cp bunny gang! wanna join? easy! just all you need is somthing in your inventory to do with bunnies and leave a comment or go on my chat! bye for now!